Monday, October 26, 2015

Say it isn't so!

I'm no health freak - I love my junk food as much as anyone. So, today's announcement by the WHO that processed meat is not good food floored me. Not because of its content, but because we actually have to be told this!? Have you seen what goes into hot dogs or ham?  Why someone would think this is good food is mind boggling; even more mind numbing is the fact that someone paid for this study. Really? Seriously? Please hand me the money and I can tell you the same thing - no investigation needed.

All that being said - tonight we are having hot dogs and french fries. Remember, I said I love my junk food.

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Perspective - it keeps each of us from making the world center on ourselves.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

It rained!

Yes, it rained! This isn't something that happens often in Santa Maria and definitely has been lacking the last few years - thus the legendary drought. But, when it does rain we have front row seats to the most beautiful skies I've ever seen.

Enjoy the sights.

Hello - I'm back!

Image result for central coast california santa maria ca

Some of you may be wondering where I've been the last few months.  Well, I moved from cold, snowy, beautiful Oshkosh, WI to warm, sunny, dry, and beautiful Santa Maria, CA.

It has definitely been a journey! We moved here without a job or a place to stay, but God has blessed me with a job and a house. Four months later  many tense moments, we actually have most of our stuff here with us. Now, on to the rest of our life on the Central Coast!
Image result for central coast california santa maria ca