Thank you, Richard and Mildred Loving!
A few years ago, I was able to catch the movie, The Loving Story, on HBO. If you have never heard of it, the synopsis is that Richard (White male) and Mildred (Black/Native American female) Loving fell in love and married. The problem was that the law of the land, in 1951, considered Inter-racial marriages illegal. The Lovings held on to their hope of living in a land that was free of any type of laws that kept a man and woman, regardless of culture, race, or ethnicity, from marrying.
Finally, in 1961, Loving v. Virginia finally made its way to the Supreme Court. This movie shows some of the actual sound tracks from the hearings related to this case. If you have never heard the Bible used in a way to support racism and hate, I suggest you watch and listen to The Loving Story. It is unbelievable, and indefensible, how the justices used the Word of God to deny two people the ability to be together.
For me, it cemented my view that the Bible should never be used to dictate law in an open and free society. The Bible is my ruler, but it may not be my neighbor's ruler. The Bible tells me how to live, but it is not meant to be used by one ruler of a country or a court. For me, the sound tracks of this movie proved to me how hateful one person can make a book based on love.
Find a copy, watch it, and let me know what you thought.
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