Friday, November 27, 2015

How I start the Christmas holiday!

 Today is Black Friday. I've tried it - once - and didn't care for it. The thought of people pushing and shoving to get to the greatest gadget or toy that will be forgotten by January is not my idea of a well spent morning.  The stores really do not need my business and I hate buying meaningless gifts that someone can pick out for themselves

My idea of a Christmas present is one that can't be found somewhere else, one that comes from my heart, and one that has meaning to it. Typically, those gifts don't come from a store.

 My shopping starts in one of my favorite places --- my box of scraps. Everytime I complete a sewing project the extra material goes into a box. There isn't any rhyme or reason to the layout of the fabric, for me that would completely kill the creativity. As I thumb through the fabrics and see which one inspires me, it also brings back great memories. I can tell you where I've used previous materials - whether it was a quilt or a wall hanging or a dress, each of them have meaning.

While you guys are out shopping, I'm enjoying some peaceful time creating. That to me is the best way to start the Christmas holiday season.


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