Sunday, January 31, 2016

Motivational Monday - Humility is key to brave changes

Lyrics from Fighter by Jamie Grace

Seven bucks n hour
Bills stacked on the counter
Got a baby on the way, they'll have to feed
His pride is gettin' torn down
His confidence is worn out
This ain't the way he dreamed that it would be

She's got no time for make-up
When she's got three boys to wake up
Never thought she'd have to raise them on her own
And some days she feels like cryin'

She's been here before
And she's only eight years old
But she knows the name of every nurse she sees
And though she don't like the chemo she waits it out, never losin' hope that
Someday soon she'll be cancer-free

Humility is key to all brave changes

Any of these describe you?  I know I see myself in a few of those lines.

Sometimes we get to this point because of past decisions we've made. Other times we are here because of decisions we allowed others to make for us. Still others are here for unknown reasons; it is just the season of his or her life.

No matter the hows, when, or whys of where each of us is, we each have to make the brave decisions, and more often than not, the brave changes to have the outcome we desire and need.  For me, those brave decisions first come by prayer and seeking God in the midst of my chaos. For others, it may be talking it out with someone they respect the most. However you get to the point of realizing that you need to make a change, one thing is common - humility must be the coat you put on.

One has to humble him or herself enough to say that the way decisions were made or actions taken have not worked. Only then can a person determine what the next brave change will be. Only then can one determine a new course of action. Without that humility no motivational speech, no spiritual connection, and no amount of love will change a person's life. Without humility one cannot admit that they may have been wrong.

If today is the first day of a new brave life for you, start with humility. Start with admitting that you may have screwed up, that you don't have all the answers. Now, have a conversation with your creator and ask what your next step is. Seek out that person you know you can talk with and hear what they are saying. Find a 12-step program that will help you through these first few weeks of change. Find a church where you feel the spirit of God residing. All of these actions are the start of your brave change.

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