Friday, November 20, 2015


Roses, Red Roses, Bouquet Of Roses, Glass, Rose Bloom
Gratitude and thankfulness. Many of do not realize how important they are in our lives. They actually give us some perspective on where we have been and where we currently are. There aren't too many people who can be grateful for the journey they've been on but complain about where they've come from.  That is a dichotomy that doesn't go well together.

Recently I finished a book called, "Choose Yourself" by James Altucher. Thankfulness is one of the biggest lessons I learned from this book. It put my live in a much different perspective; my mind became clearer and less stressful.

His suggestion is, first thing in the morning, list whatever you are thankful for. Before you do anything else, do this task. It certainly did bring perspective to my morning and my day. I now, a week later, find myself walking through the building at work thinking about the things I'm thankful for. Meetings have become less frustrating, irritating people have become easier to ignore, I am enjoying my work more.


Who would have guessed one small step could produce so much good.

Try it this week, and pick up the book - its a good one.

Thank You, Thanks, Greeting, Card, Message, Purple

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