Monday, January 18, 2016

Martin Luther King, Jr. - What is Your Life's Blueprint?

Today, we celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. While many will listen to the words of King's I Have a Dream speech or attend celebrations with other orators and artists in attendance, many will forget King's real message. Yes, his message was one of governmental responsibility in protecting and supporting all citizens of this country whether their skin color, their economic sustainability, or their educational aptitude. However, many also forget that his message was one of accountability.

The accountability of change. Change does not happen unless we make it happen. Change does not happen unless we demand it happen. We do this by being involved. Change cannot happen with us just sitting on the sidewalk watching life go by. We, each of us, must be willing to stop or interfere when injustice is happening, when bullying occurs, when harassment becomes a symbol of common-day practice.  Each of us, no matter our color, education, or economic status has a voice. Each of us must be willing to use that voice.

If we are not willing to put ourselves out there, then are we really willing to fix the problems of our society? Once we are able to answer that question, I believe we will be able to turn a corner.

The video that I found for this morning is not your run-of-the-mill I Have a Dream speach. Rather, it is King speaking to students at Barratt Junion High School in Philadelphia on October 26, 1967. The title of his speech was, "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?"  This very same speech could be said today with the same impact as it was in 1967. Watch and take note - we'll talk about this more tomorrow.

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