Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday Motivation - pick up those hitchhiking New Years resolutions

Today is the 2nd Monday of the 2nd month of 2016.

Where are your New Years goals?

If you are like most people, they are hitchhiking on the side of the road because you told them you didn't have time or money or patience for them.

Well, it's the start of the new week and here's how to get back on the wagon.

1. Figure out what you can do in 30 days.

Dust off those New Years resolutions. Take just a few minutes to figure out which ONE of those goals you can accomplish in 30 days. I didn't say try to do them all in 30 days. Break it down - what one item can you work on right now.

Give yourself a break and do this in a reasonable manner. After all, your sprint to the goal resolution finish line was unsuccessful. For a moment, be the turtle and not the hare.

2. Go back and watch my previous blog post Don't focus on the goal

There's some pretty good advice there for a Monday morning. Figure out what behaviors need to change in order for that ONE goal to be accomplished. You need to be more organized - what behaviors do you have to change in order for that to happen? Write those down and post them on your wall, your bathroom mirror, you entrance door so that every day, multiple times a day, you can see what you need to do.

By the end of 30 days you will be on your way to accomplishing the first goal.

3. Give yourself a break.

So, you had to make a u-turn and pick up those hitchhiking resolutions. So what. Who cares. Some of our most treasured accomplishments have taken more than one try to achieve. Don't limit yourself with time. Keep that time box open and gauge your success on how far you've come. Have a weight loss goal you want to get to, don't focus on the pound you want to loose this week - keep track of the steps you walked, the number of push ups you did, the number of servings of veggies you added to your diet. Make the goals and the steps to accomplishment small and achievable.

Give yourself a pat on the back when you've reached them.

Today is the start of the new you.

Share with us what your 30 day goal is going to be.

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