Monday, February 1, 2016

Passion - What hobby would you start this month?

I've decided to join a blogging group. Who would have thought there was such a thing. Of course, I found it by simply googling - help in freelancing. Up popped BlogHer.

Anyway, each month is a new topic. The participants are encouraged to write on specific topics on a regular basis. The "regular basis" is whatever you wish it to be. I've decided to try for 30 days. We'll see how this goes - hopefully I can keep up. I plan to do my regular blogging in addition.

As always, feel free to comment or send me a message about the posts.

February's theme is rightly named - Passion.

The question for today is: Start something you are passionate about; tell us what hobby you'd like to begin.

To start, I'm passionate about helping people. It doesn't really matter what the person needs; it may be advice, material things, helping with a project, teaching a new skill --- whatever the need is. The sheer act of helping someone else is my passion - it is what gets me excited, gets me awake in the morning, helps me enjoy my job.

As far as a hobby. Ahhh, starting a new one would probably not be the best idea I would have. My husband would say I already have too many. I have projects in varying degrees of completion in my office - up-cycling an old sweater, crocheting a bolero, sewing together a quilt top, scrap books of family pictures, genealogy projects ... I think that's it.

Maybe my hobby should be to complete one of those projects this month. But then I'd probably just fill the space with another unfinished project.

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